#9 SOFTEN: A grounding meditation dedicated to mothers & mother nature

I dont know if you know this already, but me and my friend and business partner Rachael Hollinger from noursiher doula have started doing retreats for tired mothers last year. The Pause retreats are grounded, yet elevated bespoke retreats where we really try to honor mothers by mothering them through colorful, seasonal, nourishing foods, as well as balmy meditations and heart openers and breathwork and yoga and wild swimming and cold plunging and hot herbal baths and honest conversations and sitting in sacred circle with each other and and and. I am simply so passionate about these retreats. And at the first one that we did this past February Rachael lead us through an earthy, connected forest bathing workshop and to open it up for her and get everyone into a sense of warmth and safety and state of softening I did a guided meditation that I wrote just for that event. 

And it has been requested by several of the attendees that if I follow through and release this podcast I MUST share this meditation for the mothers of the world to listen to again and again. So today I am doing just that. 

If you are in your car, just switch off and come back to it later. This is an invitation for you to relax and get grounded. Enjoy this very first gentle motherhood meditation on the Milk & Coffee podcast.


#10 SLOW DOWN: End of summer HYGGE


#8 SIMPLIFY: A minimal vacation wardrobe