#7 SLOW DOWN: 10 minute nourishers & sustainable self-care

This episode wasn’t exactly planned, but sort of came to me this week, as a reel that I had made about this got a lot of attention on my Instagram feed and so I wanted to use the podcast to go a little bit deeper into this.

There is so much talk about self-care these days, and all the BIG ways (and mind you, capitalist inspired ways) to practice self-care and yet, the daily, sustainable, effortless practices of it, is still something that most of us struggle with.

But what is self-care? It is to recognize yourself. It is to feel yourself and to be able to feel into which need is arising for you. It is about taking your needs seriously. It is knowing what feels good. It is knowing, which boundaries to hold. It is being friendly towards yourSELF and it is about doing what feels good.

In this episode I explore what 10 min nourishers are, which ones work for me and how they could really transform your everyday.


#8 SIMPLIFY: A minimal vacation wardrobe


#6 SOFTEN: Let go of these 3 things